About Us

Teresa Stepanov

The author and famous voice behind the podcast Inner Transformations has been inspiring many for decades with her natural approach to alternative medicine and healing. She has a background in Chinese medicine, eastern and west herbs, and has been a light worker for over 24 years. Teresa has been using her intuitive and empathic abilities to help others heal and achieve their goals of integrating wellness of mind, body and spirit. She has been interviewed on several radio shows and has lectured in numerous New Age conventions. Also, author of "Rebirth Of the Soul" & "Think Slim" audio recordings. 

Graciela Fandino

Note from  Inner Transformation Retreat Inc Co-Founder :

" My whole life I believed that our body is a perfect machine, our mind is a powerful tool that could do everything we need to be healthy and powerful, and that we are Souls living human experiences and each Soul is part of a Divine Source that fills everything.

I studied different philosophies and techniques, I was in contact with different cultures and people and realized that all the information and the health, for each one, is unique. We need to go deep inside ourselves and discover this information, develop our intuition, connect with our own divinity, live in Coherence and finally be our own Master.

The knowledge of how we think, feel, behave and believe is what making us who we are: “unique divine sparks”. "


Her achievements are being part of the Sumando Manos Foundation for 17 years   helping over 10,000 children with needs in unprivileged areas in Argentina, where she was born.

Her goal with the Inner Transformation Center is to help people make a connection with their inner self, trust in their own guide and intuition and realize their own divinity, by offering them different techniques.